Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good process. A good story, if you will. If this little video highlight from my Instagram doesn’t show you how my podcast came to life, I don’t know what will! After I mentally tried to wrap my head around more of my personal story being out in the world… I started posting on IG to get YOUR help. I knew if I didn’t I might (read: would) overthink it and then second guess myself.
I started by asking what the podcast should be called. Your ideas were hilarious: from “Steph Infection” to “not so straight talk with Steph”.
Once that part was done I figured I should actually buy some equipment or else the whole thing was pointless.
I had no idea what I was doing (and still am fairly clueless) and made sure you got to see that.
It’s not real until there’s a jingle, right?! So I started making one up on the spot on IG. It ended up being the exact one we used for the intro. Mallory McAdams came over with her guitar and amp and made it happen because she’s magic. You were involved in the behind the scenes of that recording process… where Mallory and I got so annoyed by the song after hearing it so many times we started singing “Lord I Lift Your Name on High.”
Well, it was time to actually have people over to start recording. Every single time I swear I have some type of mic/garageband issue (user error) and every episode starts out differently because my brain is… fantastical.
Here’s the thing: I feel like the more people are involved in the behind the scenes of a project coming to fruition then the more they feel like they’re part of it. BECAUSE THEY ARE. Thanks for being in this with me and I hope you’ll listen to the conversations.
* Thanks to my buddy Justin from my “church days” for having the guts to start a podcast and to confront anxiety head on. You might not know this but you gave me the extra push I needed to start this podcast. Go check out: I Now Pronounce You Mom and Dad