PICTURE THIS…Scott asked if I had ever been to IMAGING USA, I had not. He said he was speaking at it in Atlanta and if I could get there he would get me a ticket. Heck yeah! I was in. Plus, I hadn’t gotten photos of him onstage, he and I met back in 2012. It was time.
Read MoreMy goal is to bring people together (a little difficult in this current world with social distancing), to have important conversations, make music and encourage each other to try new things.
Read More2018 was such a weird year, personally. Full of extremes. Extreme loss and guilt that had stacked up for decades. Sadly, celebrating felt wrong to me.
Read MoreIt was 2012. I remember walking in to my first WFF conference like it was yesterday…Women’s Foodservice Forum was my first corporate client after I quit my job in 2010, and I was intimidated by these inspiring women.
Read MoreOver the past decade I have worked with some incredible couples. Every single couple has been a huge part in telling my personal story. Somehow it was always more than just an 8 hour wedding day.
Read MoreA little sneak peek of what's to come this month... This month marks the 10-year anniversary of quitting my job, and leaving everything comfortable in CA behind to start fresh. To create myself.
Read MoreYou’ll never guess the things I keep in that camera bag…In this video I show you.
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